Low-Volatility Mutual Funds

Solutions that can help you stay afloat during market ups and downs

Benefits of low volatility mutual funds

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Reduced volatility

Designed to have lower-than-the market volatility/risk

Lower costs

BMO ETF-based mutual funds tend to charge lower fees than many other investments

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You may purchase a mutual fund investment from as little as $500, with subsequent purchase increments of $50

Simple transactability

A mutual fund structure allows you to set up automatic pre-authorized contributions or systematic withdrawal plans

Our funds

In times of market volatility, investors want solutions that can help them stay the course during highs and lows.


Our low volatility mutual funds invest in BMO Low Volatility ETFs that are designed to provide lower risk than the broad market while providing potential growth opportunities.

BMO Low Volatility Canadian Equity ETF Fund

The fund invests up to 100% in BMO Low Volatility Canadian Equity ETF, which aims to invest in Canadian equities with lower volatility than the market.

BMO Low Volatility U.S. Equity ETF Fund

The fund invests up to 100% in BMO Low Volatility US Equity ETF, which aims to invest in U.S. equities with lower volatility than the market.

Start investing with us

Financial advisors, please contact your regional wholesalers, or call us on 1-800-668-7327

If you are an investor, please speak to your financial advisor about including one or more of our low-volatility mutual funds in your portfolio.


Commissions, trailing commissions (if applicable), management fees and expenses all may be associated with mutual fund investments. Please read the fund facts or prospectus of the relevant mutual fund before investing. Mutual funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently, and past performance may not be repeated. Distributions are not guaranteed and are subject to change and/or elimination.

For a summary of the risks of an investment in BMO Mutual Funds, please see the specific risks set out in the prospectus.

BMO Mutual Funds are managed by BMO Investments Inc., which is an investment fund manager and a separate legal entity from Bank of Montreal.

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