Fixed-Income Funds
Designed with flexibility to offer you exposure to different segments of the fixed income market.
BMO’s fixed-income funds give you the flexibility to build towards your goals.
Building a fixed-income portfolio can be difficult and time consuming. Let BMO Mutual Funds do it for you. Our range of funds offer exposure to different segments and durations of the fixed income market. Depending on your investment goals and time horizons, consider our funds to build a fixed income portfolio, or as a diversifier for a multi-asset portfolio.
BMO Aggregate Bond ETF Fund
The Fund provides broad exposure to the Canadian investment-grade bond market by investing up to 100% in BMO Aggregate Bond Index ETF.
BMO Corporate Bond ETF Fund
The Fund provides exposure to the Canadian investment-grade corporate bond market by investing up to 100% in BMO Corporate Bond Index ETF.
BMO Mortgage and Short-Term Income Fund
The Fund invests in short-term, high-quality Canadian government and corporate bonds and mortgage-backed securities.
BMO Ultra Short-Term Bond ETF Fund
The Fund provides exposure to a variety of fixed income, such as corporate bonds, maturing in one year or less by investing up to 100% in BMO Ultra Short-Term Bond ETF.
BMO Core Plus Bond Fund
The Fund invests primarily in Canadian dollar denominated investment grade and non-investment grade debt instruments.
Start investing with us
Financial advisors, please contact your regional wholesalers, or call us on 1-800-668-7327
If you are an investor, please speak to your financial advisor about including one or more of our mutual funds in your portfolio.
Fixed income mutual funds FAQs
Commissions, trailing commissions (if applicable), management fees and expenses all may be associated with mutual fund investments. Please read the fund facts or prospectus of the relevant mutual fund before investing. Mutual funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently, and past performance may not be repeated. Distributions are not guaranteed and are subject to change and/or elimination.
For a summary of the risks of an investment in BMO Mutual Funds, please see the specific risks set out in the prospectus.
BMO Mutual Funds are managed by BMO Investments Inc., which is an investment fund manager and a separate legal entity from Bank of Montreal.
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